Rhonj’ Star Dina Manzo Complains That New Jersey Isn’t Healthy

Without question, fruit has wonderful natural benefits for the human body. Fruit is packed with vitamins and fiber much like vegetables, but comes in a wide variety of sweeter, more palatable flavors.

Adopting this practice will give you an education, alkaline energy giving foods and lots of variety and flavor in your meals. When you consume alkaline raw foods you can eat any amount you would like. There is no rationing or going away unsatisfied and hungry. Superfoods are nutrient dense, health giving and satisfying. In my Top 10 Superfoods article you will get acquainted with some great superfood choicest to add in to your diet.

The type of fat we consume also matters for health and weight loss. Switch from bad fats to good fats. Bad fats are animal fat, hydrogenated fat and heated fat. Good fats are raw, unheated, non hydrogenated plant fat as found in raw nuts and seeds, avocados, coconut and extra virgin olive oil and other unheated plant oils (oils should be used in small amounts because of concentration). Good fat will reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, but cannot be overused or you will be ‘wearing’ good fat on your body.

When you think of salads, don’t just settle for lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes. Make a beautiful salad out of dark green leafy veggies such as watercress, rocket, chicory, spinach and kale. They are high in minerals and calcium plus they make a delicious Flat Belly Fix. Try kale, spinach, apple, celery and fennel. Add a dash of lemon juice of an extra bit of zing.

People who are shy very often dress in soft “invisible” colors. Colors, that are not noticeable – gray, beige, white, washed out softer tones. They want to bend in. They regard wearing red as an act of courage, as if in red they stand out. Outgoing people, on the other hand, very often prefer bold colors.

Before leaving from home pack some healthy snacks with you. Fruits should also be included in it. If you have healthy food and fruits handy, you would firstly not need to starve and avoid unhealthy food. If you have been starving since long it is sure that you will stop at any food joint and eat whatever you get. If you traveling by flight and have had these snacks and fruits already, you can stop yourself from consuming high on calories cookies and snacks served in flights. Besides snacks another important thing is water. Drink plenty of water while traveling. Again when you are hungry do not drink water. Eat some of your healthy snacks and then drink water. While traveling in a flight you cannot carry liquid, so get empty bottle and get it filled whenever needed.

When things get hectic, slow down! This may sound strange, but perhaps you are overdoing everything. You are tired, run down, and yet you think you can’t get anything accomplished. It can help sometimes if you take time to be where you are. Take a few minutes to reflect on the service that you have been hired to provide to your organization. Focus on serving people better in your organization, whether it is clients, coworkers, employees, or the community. If you stay focused on your purpose, you will not get so overwhelmed with changes going on around you. Stay open to discovering new ways to help others.

When you go to the store, read the labels. Does your family really need all that sugar, salt and fat? Do you want to serve something that looks like it came out of a local chemicals plant, not off a farmer’s field? You don’t need to buy organic and you’ll often find they’ve simply added “organic” fat and sugar. Select the brands with the lowest sugar, fat and additives. If they replace a healthy slow seller with a more toxic brand, complain to your store manager. The Whole Foods stores brought back sugar-free puffed cereals after customers complained.

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